Migrating from my old blog. Expect some rough edges!
A Simpsons quote search engine with Django
<p>In the previous entry, we created a simple Django app that returned random Simpsons quotes. The application was not interactive; that is, it did not really process the request from the client. In this entry, we will modify the previous application
Introduction to Django
Python is not a novel language. Nevertheless, in the last couple of years, its popularity has risen together with the growth of data science. It is increasingly the language of choice for data scientists.
Using Django on existing data
In this new entry, we will continue our Simpsons quote search engine. Up to this point, we have been accessing only data created by the application. Now, we are going to access to a pre-existing database.
Authentication with Django REST Framework
This will be the last entry on the Simpsons quote search engine. In this entry we will add authentication; so the users of the REST API will need to have an account in order to use it.
Django Series: Simpsons quote search engine
In the last entries, we have incrementally developed a very simple Django application that searched among a database of Simpsons quotes.
About bokeh
About django
Introducing Django REST Framework
<p>In the last four entries, we have been getting to know Django and its basic use. We want to use Django to create a good data source that responds to simple queries. We have seen how to get the responses in HTML. Since HTML is a structured language
Using Django templates
<p>In this new entry, we will go one step further in our Simpsons Quote database. In the last entry, we achieved some degree of interaction with the application. But in doing so, we mixed up HTML code with Python and crippled the security in Django.
Serving Simpsons quotes with Django
<p>In the previous entry we saw a theoretical approach to Django. We now set to create a first simple Django “Hello World” app. This app will just return a random Simpsons quote when we access a certain URL. This will help to see how to s
Interactive plots with Bokeh
<p>In this last entry on Python plotting libraries, we will review Bokeh, a library for plotting interactive graphics based on HTML/JS. These plots can then be used in a web application or website to display results.</p>
Drawing better graphics with Seaborn
<p>Drawing graphics is a key step in the process of data analysis; not only for presenting final results to other people, but also to better understand what we have in our hands. As shown in the previous entry, Pandas has a very handy graphical subsy